Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2012-06-13-Speech-3-432-000"
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"Mr President, Commissioner, ladies and gentlemen, Europe has three agendas before it today: the growth agenda, the bank oversight agenda and the sovereign debt management agenda. Dealing with the European Semester involves including all three of these aspects.
On the growth issue, I think it is important to stress now that the Commission recommendations cannot just apply to countries with deficits: they must also apply to countries with surpluses too and, if some countries have to squeeze their domestic demand, the others have to free it up.
I also think that, in growth terms, it is essential that the Commission monitor the recommendations of the so-called troika because, when a country enters recession, it cannot carry on squeezing its public investment, its public spending, as if nothing had happened. The troika must revise and adjust its measures in line with results. I want to tell you, Commissioner, that we in Parliament have today agreed on the need to launch immediately an instrument for growth and for anti-cyclical activity to the value of 1% of the European Union’s GDP over 10 years. The second key issue is what is now being called banking union. We in Parliament called for this to be done two years ago in a June 2010 report, but it has yet to be realised. The third issue is that of sovereign debt, which is a precondition for stability in Europe. I also want to say that we have adopted the ‘two-pack’ here today but that we incorporated into it, in addition to austerity, something of the other aspect that has been missing, and that is the immediate setting up of a redemption fund – to use a German term – so that sovereign debt exceeding 60% can be jointly managed. This is a legislative text and we are awaiting the Commission’s support for this initiative by Parliament, so that we can bring under control this horribly threatening spiral that is currently destroying the European Union."@en1
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