Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2012-05-23-Speech-3-452-000"

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"Mr President, it is, in any case, a bad habit that we have here in Parliament that a text is read out for one or two minutes and people cannot speak on one or two thoughts without notes. That has annoyed me ever since I joined the European Parliament. However, I will use my time for the subject in hand. Mr Potočnik, you quite rightly described the 2050 energy road map as a great transformation for our economy and society, for production and consumption. For this great transformation, you need all the players, and at all levels. I think it is good that you are establishing a platform for resource efficiency in Brussels. We ought to have the same thing at the level of the Member States and the regions, right down to municipalities. My question is this: do you have a plan for this? Mr Bütikofer rightly asked about resource efficiency plans. That is the same subject. For climate protection, we have the National Adaptation Programmes of Action (NAPAs) and the Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs). Naturally, we also need resource efficiency plans here. Do you intend to present this to the Member States? Then, of course, you will need all the other portfolios. I will simply mention the finance ministers – this has already been mentioned: the phasing out of environmentally harmful subsidies, the incorporation of external costs into our tax system. How can we win over the finance ministers and, not least, the ministers for economic affairs? We need new business models that reward sustainability and not the consumption of resources. For that, we need to think about something new with the ministers for economic affairs."@en1

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