Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2012-05-22-Speech-2-558-000"

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"Mr President, Commissioner, ladies and gentlemen, as we are debating an agreement between the European Union and Peru and Colombia, and speaking of human rights, Mr President, I would like Parliament to condemn the assassination of 12 members of the Colombian armed forces yesterday at the hands of the FARC terrorist organisation, 150 metres from the Venezuelan border. And I think, Mr President, that Parliament should convey its condemnation, warmth and solidarity to Colombian society as a whole and the victims’ families during these difficult times. The Commission has made it abundantly clear, Mr President, that we should not emphasise an ongoing dynamic of demands that has not been imposed on other countries that have signed up to agreements of this type. I think we should place emphasis on the fact that this agreement is a clear and predictable framework to try to overcome a regime of unilateral concessions, which I want to remind my colleagues already exists, is in force, and is going to affect trade, investments and services. And in this context, I am greatly surprised that many Members in this House state that they have doubts about this agreement, but that they do not have doubts about the human rights situation in Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras or Nicaragua, with which the European Union has reached the same type of agreement, or in Mexico, where we all know about the rates of violence. What is true, Mr President, is that this agreement is going to put Peru and Colombia on an equal footing with other countries that benefit from the same facilities, as is clearly the case with Chile, Turkey, Morocco, Egypt, Israel and the CARICOM nations. I believe, Mr President, that the European Union, its 27 Member States, the Commission, Peru and Colombia have signed this agreement, and I believe that we are falling into the trap of a paternalism exercise if we tell our partner countries what is good for them or what is no longer good for them. I think they are mature enough to know that they want this agreement because the European Union is a useful partner. And I believe, Mr President, that instead of considering introducing discriminatory and additional measures, what we have to do is to find out why, after almost two and a half years, Commissioner, this agreement has not yet been ratified. I do not think this situation paints the European Union in a good light and that, on the contrary, we should swiftly ratify it."@en1

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