Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2012-05-22-Speech-2-293-125"

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"I voted in favour of this report because the issue of the optimisation of the euro currency is relevant since the euro has established itself as an important international currency, increasing the need for investment and promoting trade ties. The single currency and monetary policy of the countries of the euro area foster closer trade and financial ties. This increasing economic integration encourages closer coordination of economic policies. Although this report concerns the issuance of euro coins, one possibility for the euro currency in future, which the European Central Bank and the European Commission could also consider, is the issuance of EUR 1 and EUR 2 banknotes. Although the issuance of EUR 1 and EUR 2 banknotes would reduce the number of EUR 1 and EUR 2 coins in circulation, the use of EUR 1 and EUR 2 banknotes would, at the same time, have advantages for Member States: it would increase the currency’s manageability and acceptance and would have a positive influence on European tourism without impairing the value placed on other euro coins. The issuance of EUR 1 and EUR 2 banknotes would increase the value of euro collector coins. The reduction in the number of commemorative coins in circulation would help simplify the administrative procedures involved and, by virtue of their greater scarcity, increase the value of each commemorative coin even more."@en1

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