Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2012-05-22-Speech-2-242-750"

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"I voted in favour of the report. European security policy is closely bound up with the concept of the rule of law in the EU, as the Treaty of Lisbon makes perfectly clear. Certainly, action to strengthen and apply that policy cannot overlook democratic values, human rights and fundamental freedoms. It is clear from the Stockholm Programme that Europe has achieved a partial reduction in acts that qualify as organised crime, but it has not developed its full potential to respond to this modern-day threat. That is why the next steps, as referred to in the report, must focus on four basic points, namely: firstly, a clear division of responsibilities between the EU and the Member States; secondly, increased competences for Parliament, as provided for in the Treaty; thirdly, securing adequate financial resources to implement the strategy in question under the multiannual financial framework 2014-2020 and, fourthly, completing and codifying acts that qualify as organised crime, which the EU is endeavouring to combat together with the Member States."@en1

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