Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2012-05-22-Speech-2-034-000"

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"Mr President, Mr Wammen, Mr Hahn, ladies and gentlemen, we have a long tradition in this House of discussing subsidies for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). What we have heard this morning does not differ significantly from what has been said in previous debates. I would like, first of all, to say something to Ms Ford, whose speech I listened to. Of course, it is not at all helpful to make an organisation responsible for the fact that things are not going as we would like. I do not believe that it is the European Commission’s fault that in certain respects, SMEs are not making the progress that we had hoped for. Secondly, I believe that restricting the discussion purely to financing issues does not help us. Where I come from in Germany, and I believe that this is not the case only in Germany, SMEs are not so much concerned about financing, although, of course, this may be a problem in individual situations. Primarily, they are worried about the fact that the legislation is so complex that it has become completely incomprehensible. Therefore, I believe that the discussion on the issue of how the definition of an SME can be made better, more precise and more targeted is an important matter, not only for SMEs, but in general terms for our legislation. The fact that 99.5% of all companies are SMEs, and, Mr Wammen, you mentioned this, shows that we have a problem, because in principle, this means that all companies are affected and, therefore, our measures are not being accurately targeted. For this reason, I am very interested to see the results of Mr Tajani’s study, which aims to produce a new and more precise definition."@en1

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