Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2012-05-10-Speech-4-413-000"

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"Intellectual property rights are important for stimulating the development of new plant varieties and plant-related innovations, and are a necessary prerequisite for boosting growth and innovation and helping European business, in particular small and medium-sized enterprises, to confront the economic crisis and global competition. In the area of breeding, in particular, excessively broad patent protection can hamper innovation and progress and become detrimental to small and medium-sized breeders by blocking access to animal and plant genetic resources. The breeding of plants is an essential prerequisite for the security of food supply and, to some extent, of energy supply as well. Conventional breeding methods are of critical importance to modern plant and animal breeding. It is a fundamental principle of the international system of plant variety rights that the holder of a plant variety cannot prevent others from using the protected plant for further breeding activities. I think it is important that a similar privilege should exist within patent law throughout the European Union, since patents promote the dissemination of valuable technical information and are an important tool for the transfer of technology."@en1

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