Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2012-05-10-Speech-4-273-500"

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"I am in favour of this report, since the draft future Financial Regulation provides that, after consulting the Court of Auditors, agencies can appoint an independent external auditor to check whether their budget implementation complies with the provisions of the Financial Regulation. I also commend the initiative taken by the Court of Auditors, which, in 2011, launched a pilot project with Eurofound (the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions). In this respect, however, it would be preferable, in future, to avert misunderstandings of the kind that has occurred in connection with the current discharge report on the agencies, which arose from the discrepancy between what was predicted by the relevant Court of Auditors’ official at the start of the financial year and what was presented before Parliament as the final result. I would encourage the Court of Auditors to perform an in-depth assessment of oversight and control systems in the Council before the end of 2012, as mentioned in Parliament’s resolution on discharge for 2009 (paragraph 8)."@en1

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