Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2012-05-10-Speech-4-263-625"

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dcterms:Is Part Of
lpv:document identification number
lpv:translated text
"I abstained from voting on the resolution accompanying discharge in respect of the implementation of the European Parliament’s 2010 budget. While I support the general guidelines contained in this resolution, I strongly oppose two clearly anti-Strasbourg amendments (Amendments 6 and 15), which were tabled and incorporated into this resolution. The debate and the attacks on the location of the seat of the European Parliament resurface with increasing regularity, and I am very mindful of this. Although it was long a symbolic issue, today it has become a predominantly legal and political one. I remain firmly committed to this permanent fight to keep the seat of the European Parliament within our beautiful European capital. Moreover, I voted against Amendment 4, which wanted to abolish the LUX Prize. Awarded each year by the European Parliament, the LUX Prize rewards films that go to the heart of European public debate and illustrate the universality of European values, cultural diversity and the process of European integration."@en1

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