Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2012-04-19-Speech-4-330-000"

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lpv:translated text
"A Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base should tackle some major fiscal impediments to growth in the Single Market. Without common rules on corporate taxation there is often excessive and double taxation (due to the concurrent jurisdiction of national tax systems), a heavy administrative burden on businesses and high costs in order to comply with tax legislation. This situation discourages investment, which is thus contrary to the objectives set in Europe 2020. This situation creates disincentives for investment, which runs counter to the objectives set out in the Europe 2020 strategy. The proposed common approach would ensure the harmonisation of national tax systems, but not tax rates. Differences between the rates will allow some degree of tax competition to be maintained within the internal market. I firmly believe that fair competition ensures greater transparency and allows Member States to take into account both their competitiveness on the market and their own budgetary needs when setting their tax rates. Since the proposed system is primarily designed to serve the needs of companies that operate across borders, it should be an optional scheme, accompanying the existing national corporate tax systems."@en1

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