Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2012-04-19-Speech-4-266-000"

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"In December 2005, the Council authorised the Commission to negotiate a series of voluntary partnership agreements (VPA) with timber-producing and exporting countries to encourage trade in legally harvested timber and to improve forest governance. These bilateral agreements are a cornerstone of the EU Action Plan and are aimed primarily at halting illegal logging. Partner countries are committed to trade only in verified legal timber products into the EU. They are also developing their own systems to verify the legality of their timber exports to the EU. The agreement with Liberia, signed in July 2011, was the sixth such agreement to be negotiated. As with the previous VPAs, it is hoped that the one with Liberia will help improve governance and law enforcement in the country’s forestry sector. As well as establishing a partnership tool to enable Liberia to halt illegal deforestation and forest degradation contributing to climate change, this VPA should improve market opportunities for Liberian timber products in European and other international markets. I am inclined to grant Parliament’s consent to concluding this agreement. I think that it should be stressed that both Liberia and the European Commission will need to devote sufficient attention to the effective and timely enforcement of the agreement, including capacity building and participation of local communities."@en1

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