Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2012-04-19-Speech-4-246-000"
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"The EU’s 2003 Action Plan on Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) provided for the establishment of partnerships with timber-producing and exporting countries to ensure that only legally harvested timber is traded and to promote sound forest governance. The trade agreement with the Central African Republic, signed in November 2011, is the fourth such Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) the EU has negotiated with an African country. It provides an instrument for addressing illegal logging, for helping to improve regulation, governance and law enforcement in the country’s forestry sector and for strengthening market opportunities for Central African timber products in Europe. The VPA can be expected to contribute positively to overall development and growth in the Central African Republic, including by safeguarding income generated by timber exports to the EU and other international markets. In future, tax revenues from industrial forest exploitation should also increasingly profit the local economy and communities in the Central African Republic. I believe that Parliament should give its consent to this agreement. At the same time both the CAR Government and the European Commission will need to devote sufficient attention to effective and timely VPA enforcement, including capacity building, participation of local communities, safeguards for indigenous populations and general awareness-raising on this VPA among the various stakeholders."@en1
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