Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2012-04-18-Speech-3-066-000"

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"Mr President, I believe that wage dumping is the focal issue of this matter and I also have a question about it. In international road transport, there are a lot of drivers in the Netherlands currently sending me dramatic letters about the fact that Dutch companies have opened a branch in, say, Romania, then recruited local staff – using the same lorries they had in service in their company in the Netherlands – and then telling their Dutch drivers that there is no more work for them, unless they accept the conditions of employment applicable to the Romanians. I think that is a direct form of wage dumping. It means that, by simply relocating somewhere else in Europe, you can use the same company to suddenly reduce conditions of employment. In the Commission’s proposal for the Posting of Workers Directive, I do not see any guarantee whatsoever that this kind of bogus company relocation will be prevented. I would like to hear from the Commission about how we can do that and whether Europe is supposed to be about pushing wages down."@en1

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