Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2012-04-18-Speech-3-019-000"

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"Mr President, I, too, would like to thank the rapporteur and, like the previous speaker, I welcome this regulation, on which we will be voting today. Europe’s internal market provides benefits for the workers, too, but sadly, in the past, loopholes in the law have been exploited in relation to cross-border mobility. One example of this – and this has been mentioned by a few of the previous speakers – concerns the airline business. Flight routes were often consciously chosen in such a way that airline staff were often socially insured in the Member State where social security was cheapest for the airline. This distorted competition, and it is an example of wage and social dumping, which takes place time and again at the expense of the workers. That is why we, as European Social Democrats, fought hard to ensure that airline staff are socially insured and have to pay their taxes where they are stationed. In a social Europe, there is no room for businesses that exploit the advantages of Europe’s single market while shirking the social responsibility that is the other side of the same coin."@en1

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