Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2012-03-13-Speech-2-480-000"

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"I believe the truth is – and there should be consensus that – a completely unsuitable financial situation developed in Greece in the pre-crisis years. The Greek economy has lots of capacities and potential, and the Greek people are actually very hard-working – we know that from the labour statistics – but the point is that this unsustainable financial situation was also partly due to the fact that too many people were employed, in an inefficient way, in the public sector. Restructuring has to take place. The efficiency and the effectiveness of public administration has to improve, partly to run the economy and the public sector as such, but also to ensure that the European assistance provided through Structural Funds can be used in a more efficient way. We have made much progress in this area. The European Social Fund was not implemented very well in earlier years, but in the last year, we have managed to double the ESF absorption rate, which not only directly helps job creation and promotes enterprise, but also helps to implement administrative reform. We also discussed this with Mr Papademos two weeks ago, when he was in Brussels. At the end of this month, I will go to Athens and see how the situation is developing on the ground."@en1

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