Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2012-02-02-Speech-4-035-000"

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"Mr President, the petitions submitted to the European Parliament indicate cases of non-compliance with EU legislation in terms of environmental impact assessment and public consultation, as well as concerns the public has about the pollution risk as part of the waste management process. In most Member States, major investment is required to introduce waste management strategies and suitable infrastructures and facilities. I call on the Commission to support Member States in the process of implementing European legislation by providing suitable funding mechanisms and clear, precise guidelines and criteria regarding the location of landfills in relation to residential areas, schools, local health care centres and drinking waters sources, in order to provide stronger guarantees against possible risks to human health and the environment. Public dialogue is vital right from the planning stage. I should emphasise the importance of impact studies and having public debate about them. I urge Member States to give greater support to local and regional authorities so that the best waste management models are implemented."@en1

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