Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-12-13-Speech-2-071-000"

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"Mr President, President Van Rompuy, President Barroso, first of all, I should like to say that I have always viewed this juncture in the Union as one at which we would probably need an intergovernmental approach. That is not because I do not believe in the Community method, but because the Treaty of Lisbon was not, in my view, a sufficient basis for the reforms that needed to be made, so there was a chance that we would need to go through this, just as the European Union has on many occasions. I do not believe that this is anything out of the ordinary. I do believe, however, that there is a need, now, starting from the point at which we have reached an agreement on the so-called budgetary union or fiscal union, to transfer part of the powers resulting from it to the EU institutions; to the Commission, in particular, and to Parliament, which must find its own role here, in conjunction, indeed, with the Council and the Commission. I believe this is crucial if we are to have a constructive approach. There are then other aspects not directly related to the activity of the various actors, particularly those linked to the European Central Bank (ECB) and its ability to intervene. The ECB is independent, but it should currently be using its independence to strengthen and add credibility to the steps that have just been taken, some of them perhaps reluctantly. In some ways, this is induced by the very conclusions of the Council, because the ECB is now associated with the European Stability Mechanism and the European Financial Stability Facility. That sends a very important message that there is a strategy that is, shall we say, concerted, or at least that they in fact seem to be working together and to have some capacity. It is, therefore, now also a case of working on the legal issues, so that we here in Parliament can use our political strength to democratise the conclusions of this Council in some way too. I am not optimistic, but I am confident despite everything, and I believe steps have been taken that could be the start of the solution."@en1

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