Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-11-16-Speech-3-474-000"

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"Mr President, I have often called in this House for an effective and common European policy to be put in place in order to better integrate the Roma in the EU, as the reality on the ground in some Member States leaves far too much to be desired. In April, the European Commission chose the option of European guidelines and national strategies. In December, the Member States will provide a plan, all being well. I would ask the Commission how far planning has got, are you confident that this will succeed and how will you ensure this? I ask this because, while we wait, we are far too often hearing quite alarming reports of things like an attack on Roma at a bus stop in Bulgaria with knuckledusters and slogans like ‘filthy gypsies’. In some Member States, far right political parties and politicians are ratcheting up an anti-Roma rhetoric and actions. Discrimination and violent attacks against the Roma are still happening all too often. Forced evictions also remain a major problem. It is sad that nowhere in the EU is the situation rosy for Europe’s biggest minority. The need for strategies was absolutely critical. Nevertheless, aims and intentions are not enough. Some Member States, for example, do not want a target group policy. The Netherlands is one such State. How will the Commission guarantee, with 27 different strategies, that sound and efficient solutions to the Roma issue will emerge? How does the Commissioner plan to coordinate this? The Roma are EU citizens with the same rights as all other citizens."@en1

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