Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-10-27-Speech-4-174-000"

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lpv:translated text
"− I voted in favour of the report on the basis of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the fact that the welfare of the child must come first. Child pornography is a cross-border problem that harms children and therefore I support measures to combat it. The technique of blocking websites is certainly not very effective and the websites just reappear somewhere else. However, it is a usable tool. Removing or blocking material on the Internet is, however, a restriction of the freedom of expression and must be done in a legally certain manner. Internet users must be informed of the reason why a site is blocked and how they can appeal against it. It is also important that the EU rules that are introduced do not interfere with Sweden’s work to prevent child pornography. Member States that already have a good system in place for combating child pornography must be allowed to retain it."@en1

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