Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-09-27-Speech-2-465-000"

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"Economic growth, prosperity, jobs and maintaining the European social model are all interlinked and underpin each other. This report sets out the way in which trade and investment policy must help achieve these targets and external policy objectives in general. Furthermore, trade policy is one of the main tools available to the EU to support progress towards reform and democratisation. Trade stimulates efficiency and the spirit of innovation. Europe must capitalise on the benefits offered by more open trade and investment, while keeping a close eye on adjustment costs: stronger growth, more jobs and lower consumer prices. Trade should also help improve social inclusion, both in the EU and in the rest of the world. Developing countries which have become involved in world trade and in global production chains have enjoyed rapid growth in their revenues and employment market, accompanied by a significant reduction in poverty. The rapporteur gives greater transparency and legitimacy to the European Union’s trade policy. I voted in favour of this resolution."@en1

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