Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-09-14-Speech-3-333-125"

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"Seventeen per cent of the EU’s population are living below the poverty line; 8% of Europeans are experiencing severe material deprivation; there are 3 million homeless people, amongst whom there is an increasing number of young people, families and children. This situation is unacceptable and intolerable given the values that we defend within the EU and from the viewpoint of fundamental rights, respect for the individual and human dignity. Although last year was designated as ‘European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion’, the phenomenon continues and poverty is increasing to an alarming degree. I have, of course, voted in favour of this resolution, which urges the Member States to take urgent action to make progress and to bring an end to the issue of homelessness by 2015. This resolution must now be followed up by a true commitment: governments must now act. Our resolution also urges a truly European strategy for assisting the homeless, as very few initiatives are currently being taken to prevent citizens from becoming homeless or to bring an end to homelessness. The fact is, the EU can do more, especially and primarily by not reducing the budget of the European food aid scheme for the most deprived persons."@en1

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