Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-09-13-Speech-2-439-500"

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"Offshore sources account for over 90% of oil and 60% of gas produced in the EU and Norway. However, the innumerable and serious accidents demonstrate that offshore activities cannot continue under the same rules and be governed solely by the economic interests of private groups. This report calls on the Commission to lower damage thresholds and to enforce a strict liability regime. It also states that operators should be obliged to demonstrate that they have sufficient financial resources to guarantee compensation for environmental damage caused by their activity, including those caused by high-impact, low probability incidents. It highlights the risks to the health and safety of workers in this activity, and recommends its continued regulation and an insurance system commensurate with the risks incurred. It also calls for disparities in treatment between workers within the same company to be avoided: all workers active in the offshore sector should be covered by the same standards. The report is a step in the right direction, so I voted in favour. Nonetheless, while it is not the subject of this report, I would stress the need for energy sources to be rethought."@en1

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