Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-07-06-Speech-3-598-000"

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"Mr President, we cannot adapt rules at will. EU endorsement of the introduction of customs controls at Denmark’s borders with Germany and Sweden could have a direct impact on the entire Schengen system. If every State claimed the right to introduce similar controls, the Schengen agreement on freedom of movement would become meaningless. We therefore need to introduce equivalent rules in the area of migration that are valid for all countries of the European Union and that define precisely the circumstances under which the ‘Schengen’ borders may be closed. I fear that Denmark has opened a Pandora’s Box. On the one side are the Member States, which fear an increase in illegal migration and international crime following the conflict in Africa, and on the other side are the migrants, whose right to freedom of movement we may regard as being under threat. I would like to suggest, however, that we address the current problem at this time, which is still the EU’s lack of preparedness for crisis situations and the consequences of these situations, which are now confronting more than one Member State."@en1

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