Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-06-08-Speech-3-588-000"

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"Madam President, I am happy to see Commissioner Reding attending this debate on how best to defend European values ​​of democracy. We felt her absence during the previous debates on the Hungarian media law, when the same values were at stake. As for the constitution, every nation has the right to elect representatives to its own government. The government has a responsibility to stand up for the interests of its people, all of its people. In the case of Hungary, the majority party, Fidesz, is making the decisions about the content of a new constitution. By amending the constitution in that way, without really involving other parties or civil society organisations, it is undermining the democratic process, killing off dynamism and threatening to impose the exclusive right of a single party. The majority at the expense of the minority. A true democracy is tested and judged on how that country treats its minorities. One minority, in particular, the LGBT community, will be especially affected by a constitution which, in the 21st century, is harking back to antiquated ways of life. This is going back in time, not moving with the times. We expect better of our EU Presidency."@en1

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