Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-04-06-Speech-3-458-000"
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"Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in particular are an important engine for our entire economy. They should be offered far more opportunities to become established and to expand within the internal market. Capital is required for this purpose and SMEs must be given easier access to it. Another factor which will help us to ensure lasting and sustainable growth in European national economies is support for the service sector. For this, the free movement of services is needed. The internal market must be made more attractive as a whole in order to become an innovative and business friendly environment.
The EU also needs a digital internal market to improve competitiveness and promote growth. All businesses within the EU should be able to benefit from the internal market, even if many areas, such as e-commerce, are still in clear need of development. I did not vote in favour of the report because the rapporteur proposed the introduction of a new VAT strategy, but did not go into sufficient detail about how this would work in practice."@en1
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