Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-04-05-Speech-2-090-000"

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". The EU has made a quantum leap forward in recent weeks in relation to economic integration. The Euro Plus Pact puts us on track for ramped-up cooperation that still has respect for the traditions of social consultation as they exist in the Member States. Of course, the work in this respect must not stop. We now have to get phase 2 up and running and pave the way for European investment projects that will also enable us to make our Europe 2020 agenda a reality. Commission President Barroso has promised that he will bring forward a proposal on the introduction of a financial transactions tax. We must harness these funds in order to make vitally necessary cross-border investments, specifically in energy infrastructure, backed up by European project bonds and money for public/private partnerships. That is the only way to convince the citizens that Europe, more than ever, is their guarantee of a prosperous future."@en1

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