Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-03-08-Speech-2-744-000"
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"Madam President, Mr Tajani, only last autumn, the European Parliament specifically welcomed the fact that the Heads of State or Government of the European Union had explicitly recognised, in a statement from the Madrid Summit, the sovereign right of states to manage their own natural resources and to control their use. The statement also included a specific reference to the importance of sustainability criteria. The summit was attended by Latin American countries, but the same laws apply to China and other states.
The extraction of rare earth elements (REEs) has led to serious environmental damage in China, as was the case in the past in the USA and elsewhere. This must not continue. We need an international agreement. China and other potential producers need our expertise and technology transfer in order to ensure that their mining processes are environmentally friendly and that their miners can work in much greater safety.
China is also interested in investing in high-tech production facilities for processing REEs, because it does not just want to be a supplier of raw materials. The Commission should therefore play the role of mediator here.
A modern raw materials policy must be characterised by partnership. At the same time, you must put the emphasis on developing improved recycling and substitution technologies, because in future, the metals found in REEs will become even rarer: too rare simply to use them once."@en1
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