Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-03-08-Speech-2-740-000"

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"Madam President, Commissioner, I believe this debate shows how important it is for the raw materials strategy to have a long-term and broad impact. Rare earth elements are, of course, rare on the market, but not in the ground. There are a number of reasons for this. They have quite simply not been of sufficient economic interest to quarry in all of the places where we know they are present. There have also been environmental and working environment disputes. The EU ought to invest a great deal in research and development. It ought to invest in resource efficiency and, in particular, in recycling, as has been said here throughout the evening. This, of course, requires everything from intelligent, simple and smart collection strategies to ecodesigns which make it easy to take batteries out of devices that are to be recycled. However, we also need to move away from our colonial impulses in our cooperation with other countries in other parts of the world. That is something that we have not managed to do particularly well yet."@en1

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