Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-03-08-Speech-2-369-000"

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"In my opinion, it is important to emphasise the link between EU agricultural production and international trade, which is reflected in the fact that the EU is the largest global importer of agricultural goods and, at the same time, the largest global exporter of processed food products. In this context, I firmly believe that making trade flows as smooth as possible contributes to greater producer flexibility and to a reduction in the costs for exchanging goods, and that this has a favourable impact on both producer revenues and consumer spending. I cannot therefore agree with the statement contained in the approved resolution that trade liberalisation will not make it possible for the threat of hunger to be eradicated from the world. This is not the role of commerce, nor can it be. I applaud the Commission for the fact that, within the framework of the World Trade Organisation negotiations and bilateral or bioregional negotiations, it has used measures arising from the ongoing long-term reforms as proposals in the field of agriculture, while always recognising the parameters of the common agricultural policy as a line in the sand. In this regard, the approved text of the resolution unfortunately strikes me as having a rather one-sided focus, undermining the Commission’s steps in the political negotiations to date on trade. I regard any further flexibility in the forthcoming negotiations as an unequivocal opportunity and a benefit. In relation to the criticism of some steps, such as the reduction in import duties levied on bananas or the reform of the sugar regime, I would then like to add that they were primarily based on the conclusions of the dispute resolution in the WTO, which also influenced the parameters of the EU’s subsequent measures."@en1

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