Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-03-08-Speech-2-295-500"

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"The Left has supported the introduction of a financial transaction tax for many years. This idea was accepted by the European Parliament in general terms today. The Podimata own-initiative report adopted by Parliament does not entail a definitive yes or no to the issue of a financial transaction tax. It is not clear whether we can expect a corresponding proposal from the Commission or, if so, then when? We still have a long way to go before a legislative process is put in train. At present, the Commission is simply preparing a feasibility study. One of the framework conditions for this feasibility study is that competitiveness should not be impaired by the financial transaction tax. It is quite unrealistic to expect a worldwide introduction of a financial transaction tax at present. The own-initiative report did not just deal with the issue of a financial transaction tax, but also with the smooth functioning of competition policy in the EU and the introduction of a carbon tax following the VAT model, to be charged on every product in the internal market. We cannot accept this carbon tax. This is an environmental policy demand of the Conservatives, who are seeking an energy mix that combines nuclear energy and renewable energies. Nuclear energy would remain unscathed by this tax. We are calling for the taxing of energy inputs, also covering nuclear energy, through a combined primary energy/carbon tax. I abstained from the final vote because I could not vote in favour of a report that links one good idea, a transaction tax, with measures that would place an even greater burden on the people of Europe."@en1

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