Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-03-08-Speech-2-209-000"

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"Mr President, listening to the debate on quotas for women on the boards of listed companies, it is clear that here in this Chamber, trench warfare is being waged again and again, and that is indeed a shame. I will not make a secret of the fact that I am very much opposed to statutory quotas, partly because I think that it is bad for the companies, but also because it is bad for those qualified women who will automatically be marginalised on the boards. I therefore say ‘no’ to quotas. However, we could take the pragmatic approach and discuss whether we could not require listed companies to draw up an equality policy and some objectives of their own, where they decide themselves what these objectives are to be. That would be good for the women who manage to get onto the board with this approach, but also for the companies, because they will have ownership of the objectives that they are to implement. I believe that we should try a little pragmatism for the sake of the companies and the women concerned."@en1

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