Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-03-08-Speech-2-163-000"
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"Madam President, ladies and gentlemen, I would like to thank Mrs Schaldemose for her report which, above all, must be praised for proposing concrete measures to strengthen the surveillance systems for movement within the common European market of products that are safe for European consumers.
It is an own-initiative report but it has the merit of going in the right direction to complete the single market and the protection of European consumers. Ensuring safety means providing traceability systems that are reliable throughout the products’ life cycle. In this respect, the report puts forward effective proposals: the creation of an information database on product safety; the strengthening of the Community Rapid Information System (RAPEX) regarding unsafe products from third countries; and greater resources to allow the surveillance authorities to withdraw products with serious risks from the market.
I will conclude by emphasising that it is our job to ensure that the products circulating on the European market are safe for the most vulnerable consumers, especially children, the elderly and the disabled."@en1
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