Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-01-20-Speech-4-282-000"

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"I voted in favour of the Ungureanu report, because I firmly believe that the EU urgently needs a cohesive and visible strategy for the Black Sea region. The strategy should be closely linked to the European Neighbourhood Policy, the development of which was given a major boost by the Czech Presidency of the EU in the first half of 2009. The key priority of the EU’s Black Sea strategy should be to secure energy supplies to the EU, and related support for energy projects which are in the interests of the EU and which focus on diversifying gas supplies to the EU. The establishment of the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly is also important and urgently required as regards the EU’s energy security. Among the projects which the Black Sea strategy should be helping to implement, I would include the Nabucco project, the South Stream project, the project to bring liquefied natural gas (LNG) to Europe and the development of LNG terminals in Black Sea harbours, and also the pan-European Constanta-Trieste oil pipeline. The Commission should not delay and should conclude agreements by the end of 2011 with potential supplier countries for the Nabucco pipeline. The package of measures for energy infrastructure, which the Commission intends to submit in the near future, should place particular emphasis on the previously mentioned energy projects in the Black Sea region. Last but not least, it is necessary to emphasise the considerable potential of renewable energy sources in the Black Sea region, which may contribute significantly to the future energy security of the EU and the entire world."@en1

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