Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-01-18-Speech-2-453-000"

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"Mr President, I think it is right to congratulate the rapporteurs, especially Mrs Grossetête and Mrs Roth-Behrendt, from my own group, on the work they have done to take a stagnant piece of legislation and make it useful, because it has enabled the right to public health to be included as a legal basis and has provided a new direction to enable us to lay the foundations for guaranteeing citizens the safety and quality that they always choose. More importantly, their work has also meant that the role of the Member States of origin that have to pay and of those in which treatment is received can be clearly regulated. I do not, however, believe that we should be satisfied with this alone, but rather that it should be the beginning of a much greater step forward, so that, as Mrs Roth-Behrendt was saying, this directive becomes just a formality because the level of equality achieved in all Member States means it is unnecessary for each citizen to be returned to their country. In this battle, what we need to achieve is legislation that guarantees citizens’ rights in relation to the care they should receive – benefits and safety – rather than just the right that they already have to mobility between Member States. It is quality that will create union, otherwise we will be taking very small steps."@en1

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