Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2010-11-25-Speech-4-882"

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dcterms:Is Part Of
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lpv:translated text
"The European Union is currently a major player in the international energy market. However, the EU has very few raw materials and is therefore forced to import in bulk. This simple fact raises questions about security of supply and our continent’s dependency on the wider world. These issues have been a real source of concern within the European Union for many years. For this reason I, together with my fellow Members of Parliament, have voted to adopt a resolution which calls on the European Union to diversify its providers in order to avoid future supply problems and to create a more rigorous strategic approach within the sector. By voting in favour of the resolution, I also wanted to emphasise that energy efficiency should be a priority for the European Union. Indeed, this seems to me to be the best way of reducing the EU’s energy dependency, but also, and more importantly, of combating climate change – something which has now become an urgent necessity."@en1

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