Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2010-10-19-Speech-2-083"

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"We need a strong European Union, a European Union of all 27 Member States, not just a minority. We wish the European External Action Service (EEAS) every success. We, the citizens of Europe, need it, the European Union needs it and the whole world needs it. How do we ensure that the EEAS becomes a service for all citizens of the European Union? How do we ensure its efficiency and success, and its status as the genuine crème de la crème of Europe? Only if it recruits diplomats of all, I repeat all, nationalities of the European Union. There is no greater threat to the strength and unity of the European Union than a situation where the EU is, in the main, represented by citizens of only six nationalities. Two thirds of the current service, inherited by Mrs Ashton, have been recruited from just six countries. What about the remaining 21? What about the new Member States? I therefore regret the fact that we will not be adopting the provisions adopted by the Committee on Foreign Affairs and the Committee on Budgets, as that would help us rectify the worst example of imbalance in at least ten years, I repeat ten years. We need a strong European Union of all 27 Member States."@en1

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