Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2010-10-07-Speech-4-904"

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lpv:translated text
"The European Social Fund plays a vital role in improving career and professional opportunities, promoting the adaptation skills of workers to the demands of the labour market and integrating them into it, along with strengthening social inclusion. It is important for the Member States to use the European Social Fund to invest in qualifications, employment, training and retraining, with a view to creating more and better jobs. The goals and objectives of the EU 2020 strategy can be achieved by using this instrument in support of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and adapting the education and vocational training systems to the needs of SMEs. There needs to be a big emphasis on modernising the education and vocational training systems, on decent work, including combating unstable and undeclared work, on gender equality, on creating conditions for reconciling work and private life, and on ensuring the inclusion of people who are excluded from the labour market."@en1

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