Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2010-10-07-Speech-4-387"

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"We believe that the European Social Fund (ESF) should support the measures adopted by the Member States to encourage employment, promote the quality of work in all its aspects (training, working conditions, contractual relations, working hours and organisation of work), and help reduce social inequalities and disparities in the distribution of income. An increase in ESF funds may help to achieve the objectives of social inclusion, the fight against poverty and social exclusion, and education and training, while also making a major contribution to economic and social cohesion. The resolution adopted today by Parliament highlights some of these measures. It emphasises the essential issues on which the ESF should concentrate and draws attention to the need to maintain ‘efforts to achieve social cohesion’. We need much more than ESF funds, however. We need to change policies. We need to get rid of the Stability and Growth Pact and replace it with a real Progress and Social Development Programme."@en1

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