Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2010-10-07-Speech-4-379"

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"The future of the European Social Fund will clearly depend not only on the approach taken by European decision makers towards the future of the continent, but also on the way they have been able to draw positively on the experience of the past, a past that is telling us today more clearly than ever before, that the model applied up to now by the European institutions in the field of employment, training and work is a model that is no longer suited to the needs of the present-day economy. The EU 2020 strategy itself, together with its principal instrument, the Social Fund, will have to take account of the fact that the only employment and training policies that can make the outlay of European funds sustainable are those which are necessarily targeted at meeting local needs and strengthening and sustaining small and medium-sized enterprises as the cornerstone of the European economy. In future, we will have to pay much more attention than we have paid so far in the Social Fund and in the entire EU 2020 strategy to the local dimension and small businesses, which make up 99% of Europe’s economic fabric. In the expectation that the Union’s outlook on these vitally important issues will change, I am voting in favour of the resolution."@en1

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