Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2010-03-09-Speech-2-936"

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"A problem for the proper functioning of the railway market in the new Member States and, in turn, a factor which restricts liberalisation of the market, is the incorrect financing of the railways, in other words, a lack of sufficient means to maintain the railway infrastructure. This results in high access prices and, as a consequence, restricts the competitiveness of this branch of the transportation industry because of the high costs of transport. A further problem is the underfunding of services which are a public service, a result of which is the debts of companies operating in the passenger sector. This then limits the possibilities for investment, for example, in new rolling stock. In the context of appropriate regulation of the European railway market, it is essential to strengthen the national market regulators. By strengthening, I mean increasing their independence and effectiveness, improving the quality of staff, etc. It would also appear to be legitimate to establish a European market regulator, which will monitor correct performance of functions assigned to national regulators and report directly to the European Commission on any irregularities found."@en1

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