Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2009-11-11-Speech-3-213"

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"As we celebrate here in the European Union so enthusiastically the collapse of the Berlin Wall and Communism with it, we might well ask what has become of the former Communist leaders. I will tell you. They are the ones who have become the most enthusiastic capitalists, neo-liberals and champions of the order of world domination. On their return to power, they have done away with everything that was good in Communism – and let us admit it, there were a few things – such as security of employment and social security. However, they have brought back the most hideous aspects, brutality and terror. On the 50th anniversary of the 1956 revolution, which had made possible the collapse of the Berlin Wall, people were shot in the eye. At the moment in Hungary, as we speak in the Chamber and celebrate the collapse of Communism, these Communist comrades are holding 16 political prisoners in detention. I will only celebrate when the political prisoners have been released, when the victims shot in the eye have received justice and when these Communists end this bloodshed and are consigned to the dustbin of history."@en1

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