Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2009-09-17-Speech-4-067"

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"Mr President, I want to highlight the timeliness of this motion for a resolution and also welcome the effort made by all groups to achieve a joint motion. Ladies and gentlemen, in order to prevent the reoccurrence of the situation of helplessness suffered by many of our citizens when Russia decided to cut off the gas supply through Ukraine, it is clearly vitally important to maximise the diversification of energy sources and gas transport. In this respect, we urgently need to build new gas pipelines, which, like Nabucco and other projects, will help to improve security of supply in Central Europe. However, to ensure a supply in all European Union countries, these efforts must be supplemented by supplies from the south of the continent. Having said this, I want to underline, as the Commissioner has already done, another dimension to this problem. The recent crisis showed us that the EU did not lack gas stocks, but rather transmission capacity. That is why it is important to focus our efforts on improving interconnections within the EU. Ladies and gentlemen, you should believe me when I say that there is a great deal of room for improvement in this situation. I will give you the example of my country. As you know, Spain could become an important transit axis for Europe, thanks to its connection with Algeria via the Medgaz pipeline, which is already in an advanced stage of construction, and its six liquefied natural gas plants, whose capacity could be doubled if another emergency situation were to occur. However, Spain cannot help without improving its interconnection capacity through the Pyrenees. Lastly, we should be aware that the construction of major infrastructures is only one part, albeit an important part, of the EU’s security of supply policy. This security also particularly depends on energy saving and the use of renewable energies. It is in this context that we regard as vital our cooperation with the North African countries in the development of renewable energies. This is linked to my call to reinforce the supply from southern Europe. As a result, Commissioner, the Mediterranean Solar Plan, led by the Union for the Mediterranean, is an attractive idea that we in this Parliament want to support."@en1

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