Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2009-09-14-Speech-1-157"

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"Madam President, it was in 2001 that we called for a European civil protection mechanism, in the wake of the 11 September disaster. Subsequently, we set up a fund. Then there was the Barnier report, which stressed the need to show solidarity. Today, this solidarity works, but it has to be more effective and we have to be able to move up a gear. Two points must be developed. Firstly, responsiveness. All those people who have unfortunately been affected by these fires deplore the fact that the procedures are often too lengthy and that implementing them takes far too long even though, in reality, when we are confronted with fires, we have to move very fast. We certainly need to be more flexible, to have more flexibility to implement these procedures, because time is precious in this case. And then, there is prevention. We do not talk enough about prevention, because it involves the principle of subsidiarity. We are told that it is the Member States that must decide. Yet, when these fires harm biodiversity and the environment, when they affect the things most precious to humans, that is, their property, their possessions and their homes, and when they sadly cause the loss of human lives, we have no right not to make provision for such prevention. That is a criminal act. This must stop, and to stop it we also need financial resources. It is absolutely imperative, then, to provide ourselves with the best possible budgets, so that we are far more effective within the context of this European civil protection mechanism. Let us therefore ensure that the budget – our budget – genuinely takes account of this problem. All of this also demands that we take a specific approach to our agricultural and forestry policies, and this is something we do not talk about enough. Prevention, responsiveness and resources: in short, everything needs to be done to ensure that southern Europe will no longer inevitably be like a cat on hot bricks."@en1

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