Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2009-07-15-Speech-3-075"

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"Prime Minister, we listened to your speech with great care and would like to express the hope that the most important points of the programme will be put into effect successfully. I would like, however, to draw attention to three challenges. The first of these is European solidarity, which is especially important at a time of financial crisis. We cannot allow situations to arise in which particular European countries are treated unequally. We cannot accept a situation in which some are allowed to subsidise their banking sector and others are condemned for attempting to strengthen their shipbuilding sector. That is not solidarity, that is hypocrisy. Secondly, we are glad that the Baltic Sea Strategy is one of the priorities of the Swedish Presidency. This is an important area of macroregional cooperation. The Baltic ecosystem should be protected from hazards such as the very unsafe, and also financially absurd, Nord Stream project. The need for diversification of energy sources should also be mentioned. Thirdly, let us remember that Moscow does not restrict itself to turning off the tap, as Georgia discovered. I hope that, as Sweden takes the helm of the European Union for the next six months, it will be as resolute as Minister Carl Bildt, who condemned the Russian aggression against Georgia. I am sure that the Swedish Presidency will be equal to these challenges. It can count on our support."@en1

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