Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2009-03-24-Speech-2-497"

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"Madam President, I would like to thank the Commission very much for this proposal. I would also like to thank Mrs Liotard for an extremely good report, which, compared to the Commission’s proposal, has substantially enhanced the parts that I think are particularly important, those being public health and consumer protection. I also recognise many of the questions that we have worked on together on a previous occasion with regard to food additives. It relates to questions regarding nanoparticles and nanomaterial. They are dealt with extremely well in the rapporteur’s proposal, but also in an amendment by Mrs Breyer, which I recognise from the work on the Cosmetics Directive. In that connection we submitted almost the same proposal, which has now been taken up in the directive and which, of course, should also be included here. It relates to the labelling of nanomaterials and the fact that the contents must always be evident to the consumer so that anyone who wishes to do so is able to choose to avoid foodstuffs containing nanoparticles or nanomaterials. Other aspects that I recognise and welcome include the fact that we must be able to take account of how the food affects the environment. This is an extremely important issue and its importance is growing. There are also ethical aspects to this, for example with regard to cloning, which has now been included in the report in a constructive and clear manner. It is not about how consumers are affected by eating cloned meat, but above all it is about ethical aspects that we really must take into account when taking decisions on this sort of legislation. I would also like to say that I agree with the rapporteur that approval must also be required in respect of nanomaterials in packaging that comes into contact with food. The Socialist Group in the European Parliament is of the opinion that the rapporteur’s proposal is an extremely good one. We will also support some of the amendments. We hope that we can still reach an agreement with the Commission fairly soon."@en1

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