Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2009-03-09-Speech-1-167"

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"Madam President, Vice-President of the Commission, ladies and gentlemen, following the Tampere conclusions, much has been done to harmonise the laws of the Member States on asylum. However, this harmonisation has been based on the lowest common denominator, with very different practices and procedures continuing to exist. We still do not have equal conditions of access to protection throughout the EU and, as a result, there are still problems such as secondary movements and multiple applications. In 2008, as already highlighted by the rapporteur, the number of refugees grew to over 12 million. We therefore urgently need to begin the second phase of the Common European Asylum System. There can only be an identical level of protection throughout the EU if a single asylum application procedure is established, for reasons of efficiency, rapidity, quality and justice in decision-making, together with single standards for qualification as refugees or persons needing international protection. Only in this way can asylum seekers be treated equally, regardless of the Member State in which they make their asylum application. I am therefore delighted at the presentation of this asylum action plan, to which various public players have contributed and which defines the road map to be followed in coming years with a view to developing the Common European Asylum System. I support the proposed amendments to the Reception Conditions Directive, to the Asylum Procedures Directive and to the Asylum Qualification Directive in order to clarify the criteria allowing asylum seekers to qualify for international protection. I am pleased that Commissioner Barrot has underlined the need to ensure coherence with other policies impacting on international protection, and I hope that this same coherent approach will be extended to other common areas. Finally, I want to congratulate the rapporteur, Giusto Catania, for his work, which will be supported by the Group of the European People’s Party (Christian Democrats) and European Democrats."@en1

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