Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2009-01-14-Speech-3-243"

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"( ) This report contains a surprising number of intelligent views considering the fact that it has come from the Committee on Foreign Affairs. For example, the view is put forward that it is a positive thing that the Member States of the EU are increasingly choosing to speak out and not allow the EU Presidency to speak for all countries. Statements of this kind are very rare, and I welcome them. Unfortunately, the positive elements are too few and far between. One of the most objectionable wordings is found in recital H, where it complains about ‘a persistent desire on the part of Member States to act independently at the UN’. ‘One state, one vote’ is, after all, one of the foundation stones of the United Nations. The Committee on Foreign Affairs also regrets the growing division of the UNHRC into regional blocs. Paradoxically enough, certain regional blocs – the EU, for example – seem to be desirable. The European Parliament neither is, can, nor should be a guarantee that human rights are not violated in the world. This is shown, in particular, by the statements made by Members of this House on homosexuals, for example. Even though the essence of the report is probably good, I have voted against it in today’s vote."@en1

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