Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2008-12-15-Speech-1-226"

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"The bill under discussion deals with the problem of revenue-generating projects. This problem directly affects many claimants drawing funds from the European Regional Development Fund and the European Social Fund. The current legal arrangements have imposed a significant administrative burden and have also created a situation of legal uncertainty as for a whole three years after the conclusion of an operational programme they allow revenues from the project to be taken into account. If revenues exceed a specified minimum level, there is a risk that the claimant and ultimately the state also will have to return the funds. I firmly believe that such a rigid approach has no place, especially for small projects and projects financed from the European Social Fund. Concerning the second category of projects in particular, there are no revenues of a commercial nature, only revenues of local authorities and non-profit making organisations that are raised in the form of administrative and other fees. As these revenues subsequently serve to implement objectives that are in the public interest, it makes no sense to return them to the EU. In my opinion our task is to simplify the mechanism for drawing money from the structural funds while of course retaining the controls that are essential for supervising the transparent handling of EU finances. I therefore welcome the decision to exempt projects financed by the European Social Fund from the mechanism for monitoring revenues and the decision to raise the cost limit from EUR 200 thousand to EUR 1 million in the case of projects financed from the European Regional Development Fund and the Cohesion Fund. This step will undoubtedly simplify administration and increase efficiency in the implementation of these projects."@en1

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