Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2008-10-21-Speech-2-444"

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"Madam President, the problem of the Polish shipyards is nothing new. It has developed over a number of years. Successive governments have unfortunately failed to address the problem in an appropriate way. Why did this happen? This is neither the place nor the time to discuss that particular question. Those responsible will be called to account in accordance with Polish democratic procedures. However, the situation today is difficult. It is understandable that the Commission could not ignore this failure to act. On the other hand, we have to stress the fact that different scenarios involve different costs. The option of improving the situation by stating that the shipyards should be closed, clearly involves certain serious consequences. Above all, there will be job cuts. The workers affected may be hired again in the future but, until such a time, they face great uncertainty and serious difficulties. In addition to this, we have to take another factor into account. I do not want to return to issues that have already been raised, but the whole matter of closing the Polish shipyards, and perhaps the difficult period we are facing, has arisen during the period of European Parliament elections. It would be very unfortunate if these decisions were to provide ammunition for people, and there are unfortunately quite a number of these people in Poland, who still oppose our membership of the European Union. Therefore, I would like to appeal to the Commission to be as flexible as possible with regard to GdaƄsk. Of course, for our part, we will also take action in Poland to ensure that the Polish Government also acts with determination and flexibility."@en1

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