Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2008-09-03-Speech-3-992"

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". I voted against Mrs Svensson’s report in line with the view of our group. This I did because, although the report on how marketing and advertising affect equality between women and men contained a lot of good ideas that I wholeheartedly support, including teaching children to use their critical faculties when it comes to the media and teaching people to question sex stereotypes, I thought it went too far in general. The proposals to establish a Code of Conduct at EU level and a monitoring body to which people can complain about sex stereotyping in advertising and marketing represent just the sort of patronising policy that engenders hostility towards the EU. Marketing and advertising are an important part of communications, and if manufacturers’ products are to compete on the market, advertising must obviously use means that catch people’s attention. I think that establishing rules for marketing and advertising is something that should be done at national level, however, and criticism of the media and healthy questioning of sex stereotypes begins with education and upbringing."@en1

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